How to Buy IDEX Token?
With its special blend of centralized and decentralized architecture, IDEX offers both novice and seasoned users a superior user experience. The cryptocurrency market has grown to a point where there are hundreds of distinct cryptocurrencies with a wide range of use cases. In recent years, projects centered on decentralized finance have become some of the most well-liked blockchain and cryptocurrency projects.
IDEX Exchange |
What is IDEX?
How IDEX differs from other competitors?
What is IDEX Token and How Many are There?
How to Buy IDEX Token?
How to Register at Gateio?
Click here to register with Gateio, the most preferred exchange for cryptocurrency investment, with a commission discount.
Simply enter the requested information on the page that opens. After completing the "nationality, e-mail address, password and password verification" processes correctly, you can complete the registration process by clicking the confirmation e-mail sent to your e-mail.
Gateio KYC Verification
All cryptocurrency exchanges require KYC verification. Although it may cause doubts in the minds of some, the truth of the matter is that it is necessary to know that exchanges that do not require KYC verification should be avoided. This is because identity verification also prevents someone else from opening an account on behalf of the user.
After confirming the verification e-mail sent to you after registering by Gateio, you must enter the site and upload the requested documents. After uploading the front and back side of your ID and selfie (selfie) document, you will complete the registration process.
How to Transfer Money to Gateio
After completing the Gateio registration process, you can now proceed to the deposit process. You can buy Bitcoin or Tether (USDT) with a credit card. You can pay by credit card by clicking on the "Fiat trading" tab on the main page.
To transfer money from another exchange to Gateio, go to the "wallet" section and select the cryptocurrency you want to transfer, then simply paste the wallet code you will be given into the "wallet code" requested section after selecting the appropriate cryptocurrency on the exchange you will transfer.
If you are transferring Tether (USDT) from Gateio, Binance or other exchanges, select "TRC20" instead of ERC20 in the "network selection" section. When you choose ERC20, the transfer fee will be much higher. However, with ERC20, you will pay a commission of 1 USDT. Of course, to do this, don't forget to select the TRC20 network in Gateio as well.
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